The Listening Project

We laugh, we cry, we create space for you to breathe. On a never ending quest to provide healing to the community, it’s my pleasure to introduce our very first support group, The Listening Project!

The Listening Project is an active listening support group designed for individuals to express their emotions without the obligation to take further action. In the midst of grief, one of the best ways to offer support is to provide a listening ear, and a shoulder to lean on✨

The Listening Project will be led by myself, Karrington Bostic, Autumn Amsden, and Krista Delorenzo. Each of us have had experienced tremendous losses over the years and can related to grief and healing on a personal level.  

I've chosen them to stand along side me and build The Listening Project because their stories are so profound. They carry the gift of resilience and instead of being defined by their stories, they have taken the necessary steps to heal and to guide others to do the same. 

*Read Karrington's Story and team bio's below*

6 years ago Karrington suffered an indescribable loss at the age of 22. Her boyfriend of 7 years passed away in an unexpected car accident. 

During the course of her healing journey, with careful observation, she realized that the only support that is ever recommended are therapy treatments. She is no stranger to therapy and will continue to advocate for therapy treatment, However, in most cases, people aren’t longing for immediate coaching or direction at that moment, their need for someone to listen and a shoulder to lean on is much greater.

The Lord placed The Listening Project on her heart 4 years ago and she can't think of a better time to present this to the community than now. All of the knowledge, wisdom, teachings, she's obtained over the years, shaped her for this exact moment.

The Listening Project will meet twice a month. Location, time, and date will be displayed on the Home Page. 

I am so thankful to have the Lord’s guidance in order to move forward. This would not be possible 


Matthew 18:20

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them.”

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