over the past few days, i’ve been reflecting on my growth and progress over the years, with Collection #5 being right around the corner. seated at the round table of my thoughts, time and time again, analyzing this journey.
my mind wanders back to 2020, at the beginning stages of my business, and I’m always met with the same questions: what could have been done differently? i was unhealthy during that time - depressed, filled with anxiety, fear, etc. - and i wonder, would prioritizing certain aspects have led to healthier decisions? Where would i be if i had been closer to the Lord back then?
i can be my biggest critic at times, so it wasn’t long after that mindful discussion that my throat began to swell, and tears welled up in my eyes. but the Holy Spirit intervened, whispering words of grace: “Even if you feel like you didn’t do enough, my grace is sufficient enough to carry you.” (2 Corinthians 2:9)
the relief i experienced was overwhelming, and, of course, the tears started flowing even harder. this is exactly who Jesus is - His nature, His character. even in weakness, with only 1% to give, the Lord can exceed our expectations and has a plan for our lives and every situation.
and what i didn’t realize, in the midst of my pain, was that God was, and always had been, the main character of my story. if i had been the person i am now when I started KP, there would be no testimony, no opportunity for the Lord to receive glory (Job 22:2-3).
if you were to ask me what the most defining moment of my career is, i’d say it’s the moment i let go of everything i thought i knew. i transitioned from being business-driven to Jesus-driven, and that’s when the true purpose of KP unfolded. it’s no longer just about fragrances; it’s a sacred space where people can encounter Jesus. and if i’m being honest, it’s my broken pieces that have allowed me to see the beauty of Jesus in this journey.
those shattered parts have become the canvas on which He’s painting a masterpiece of redemption and purpose.