Embracing obedience as a path to true freedom and a deeper relationship with God.

Obedience: A Matter of the Heart

i love obedience, and i love the structure God provides. without these two foundational elements, i firmly believe we cannot truly experience the Father’s love. embracing obedience may require temporary discomfort, and i may not always like it. however, knowing that my actions please the Lord gives me the strength to follow His guidance.

through personal experience, i’ve found that one primary reason we disobey God is that we convince ourselves we know better than He does. as Proverbs 14:12 cautions, “there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to destruction.” this self-deception stems from arrogance, fueled by the enemy’s ability to make sin appear pleasurable.

where in the Bible does it say that obeying Jesus isn’t for our own good and ultimately to look more like Him? and where does the Bible portray sin as enticing or the enemy successfully undermining God’s authority? we find a prime example in Genesis 3:1-7, where the enemy manipulated Eve into a state of disbelief. (ex: did God really say that? does He really know?) leading her to doubt God’s wisdom and believe she knew better. Proverbs 3:5-6

when i feel rebellious, i ask the Holy Spirit to humble me quickly. who am i to think i know better than the universe’s Creator? i also ask Him to teach me His ways and their importance, so i can increasingly resemble my Father.

i don’t want to abuse God’s grace or treat His word and mercy as common. His word is designed to benefit us and set us apart, leading us to live holy lives, exercise self-control, and trust His Word above all else.

obedience requires daily surrender, taking up our cross. and true obedience becomes desirable only when we lay down our arrogance, acknowledging that God’s way is better than ours.

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